Conditions We Treat

Specializing in the Assessment, Treatment, Prevention and Maintenance


Kyphosis is a spinal condition also known as round back or hunchback

Kyphosis is a spinal condition also known as round back or hunchback in which an excessive curve of the spine results in an abnormal rounding of the upper back. t’s most common in older women and often related to osteoporosis.

Symptoms of Kyphosis

The main symptom of kyphosis is having rounded shoulders or a hump in the upper back. Tight hamstrings (muscles in the back of the thigh) can also be a symptom.

People who have a more severe curve may have other symptoms, including:

Pain or stiffness in the back and shoulder blades.

Numb, weak tingling legs.

Extreme fatigue.

Shortness of breath or other breathing trouble due to the spine pressing against the airways.

Balance problems.

Causes of Kyphosis

  • Aging, especially if you have poor posture
  • Muscle weakness in the upper back
  • Scheuermann’s disease, which occurs in children and has no known cause
  • Arthritis or other bone degeneration diseases
  • osteoporosis, or the loss of bone strength due to age
  • injury to the spine
  • slipped discs
  • scoliosis, or spinal curvature